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Microsoft Cloud Partner Network Team

Subject matter experts from across the Microsoft Partner Network team share relevant news and updates on key topics, trends and strategies that can differentiate our partners in the market and help you achieve success.

A man sitting at his desk in front of a tablet while laughing at his screen.
Aus- und Weiterbildung
Nov 03,2022

Neue Trainingsplattform für Microsoft-Partner

A group of four people sitting in a cricle and discussing topics around Market Reach which is the headline on the computer in the middle of them all
Microsoft Cloud Partner Network
Nov 03,2022

Kunden aktiv zu begleiten, lohnt sich doppelt!

Partnering with Microsoft is about the power of opportunity driven by a shared goal: customer success.
Microsoft Cloud Partner Network Team
A woman writing on her notepad wih another desktop in front of her.
Marketing & Vertrieb
Nov 02,2022

Maximale Effizienz für Ihre Kampagnen – Vorteile von ABM

Partnering with Microsoft is about the power of opportunity driven by a shared goal: customer success.
Microsoft Cloud Partner Network Team
Two women sitting in a room staring a computer desktop and introducing a project to a group of people over Microsoft Teams.
Marketing & Vertrieb
Oct 05,2022

Punkten Sie mit neuen Angeboten bei Ihren Kunden!

Partnering with Microsoft is about the power of opportunity driven by a shared goal: customer success.
Microsoft Cloud Partner Network Team
Two men and one woman standing in a cricle and listening to each other.
Microsoft Cloud Partner Network
Oct 04,2022

Vom Dienstleister zum Berater der Kunden

Woman typing on her computer in the office.
Microsoft Cloud Partner Network
Oct 04,2022

Das neue Microsoft Cloud Partner Programm ist gestartet!

Woman standing in front of three people presenting some findings in an office.
Microsoft Cloud Partner Network
Oct 04,2022

Industry Solution Areas: Digitale Entwicklungsräume

Woman standing in a meeting room showing others grpahs on a screen
Microsoft Cloud Partner Network
Aug 18,2022

#Road2MCPP – Ist mein Business fit für die Zukunft?